LeggNets Digital Capture

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Field of Dreams

Field of Dreams, originally uploaded by LeggNet.

I paid a price in capturing this photograph of a wheat field.

I was bending down to compose this shot and thought that I could get a better angle on the wheat against the mountain in the background by sitting down. Without taking my eyes away from the camera's viewfinder, I sat fully down on the ground. It was at this time that I became immediately aware (ouch!) that I had just sat on ground that was literally covered in thorns and those little spikey ball things. I quickly made the capture and then hopped up and spent the walk back to the car pulling thorns out of the seat of my pants. The ride home in the car allowed me a chance to experiment with creative ways to drive without fully sitting on the driver's seat.

Lesson learned: Look down before sitting on the ground when photographing (or anything else for that matter).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I apologize for laughing. (haha)

It is a beautiful shot though!

July 11, 2006  
Blogger Genevieve Netz said...

"...literally covered in thorns and those little spikey ball things."
Maybe you mean sandburs? (I'm not laughing.) Or maybe you have those horrid things that we called "Mexican sandburs" when I was growing up in Nebraska. I don't know if the name was accurate or not.

We don't have sandburs at all in Kentucky. My kids were always outraged at the sandburs when we visited my parents in southwest Kansas.

July 12, 2006  
Blogger jkirlin said...

Your story reminded me of the time I injured my tailbone skiing. We had this job description at the Hospital that required that we be able to lift 70 pounds which wasnever called for...or walking up 10 flights of stairs. What WAS called for was sitting nearly 8 hours per day and I never noticed until I couldn't.

Nice shot, by the way...

Next time I will tell my poison ivy story.

October 09, 2006  

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