LeggNets Digital Capture

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

The Bride

I have arguably photographed Alyssa more than any other person in my photographic career. Images featuring her as a model make up close to 10% of my stock portfolio and include several of my top selling shots. With this being said, I was very excited to be asked to photograph her upcoming wedding. It will be great to work with a bride that I have already shot thousands of images of. Suffice it to say, we both are comfortable working together.

In preparation for the wedding, I recently did a bridal portrait session in the studio with her. The funny thing is that during the shoot we both commented that it felt like one of our stock shoots. Today's image is one of the close-ups from that session.

Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 24-105 f/4L lens - 1/125 second, f/7.1, ISO 100


Blogger Lincoln Palmer said...

Gorgeous image, Rich. Lighting is perfect. Love the balance between the flowers and her face in the composition.

January 08, 2009  

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