LeggNets Digital Capture

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Rich Legg Profile

Rich Legg is a commercial photographer based in Riverton Utah specializing in Microstock Photography.

After beginning his photography career in school and working as a studio portrait photographer during the 1980's, he stepped away from serious photography for nearly 15 years.

After a successful decade working in corporate America, the advances in internet technology and digital photography lured Rich back into the photographic world in the early 2000's. Working full-time creating images for his stock portfolios with iStockphoto and Getty Images, he has returned to his roots as a professional photographer.

In addition to the commercial photography work, Rich is a prolific blogger, a founding member of Photowalking Utah and a member of the Professional Photographers of America.

Rich Legg, Owner
Legacy One Photography
(801) 568-1000 | rich@leggnet.com