LeggNets Digital Capture

Friday, July 21, 2006


Rich, originally uploaded by LeggNet.

Yesterday, a couple of events occurred that help me feel validated in this game of photography I play.

The first has happened a few times before, but New West Network once again selected one of my captures to use on the front page of their website (link). Even though they have done this before, it is always flattering when they ask to use one of my images.

The second thing that happened is that a local design company contacted me about one of my images. They asked if I would be willing to sell them the rights to use the photograph as part of an advertisement for a national restaurant chain that is moving in to Salt Lake City. We agreed on the terms and they will be using this photo.

As I might have said before (probably numerous times), I stepped away from serious photography for nearly 15 years before returning to it last year. What I found in returning amazed me - the truly worldwide photographic community that the Internet has created, plus the ability to easily share my work.

Today's featured capture is a self-portrait I took to use as an icon on my blog, flickr, and other web communities. The effect added to the photo in post-production was to match my blog's color scheme and create a bit of artsy feel to the shot.


Blogger Genevieve Netz said...

Congratulations on the sales and recognition. Well done!

It just goes to show that I can trust my good judgment as I have thought all along that you are exceptionally talented. :)

July 25, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

Congratulations! I have recently started following your images as I see them in the various photo challenges. I seek them out as I enjoy your work and hope to learn a bit!

June 01, 2007  

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