LeggNets Digital Capture

Monday, February 16, 2009

PocketWizard announces TTL Radio Triggers

Being a prolific user of PocketWizards to fire my lights, I found today's announcement of their next-generation models featuring true TTL (through-the-lens) functionality rather exciting. Here's the announcement/demo video.

Since I use my PocketWizards to mainly trigger my mono-lights, the TTL feature isn't something that I need to upgrade to immediately. But it does swing the door wide open with possibilities for using my Speedlights more prominantly in my work.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm defiantly going to have to get one of these sometime. My equipment list has been growing :)

February 16, 2009  
Blogger Nathan Marx said...

One of the cool things is with the miniTT1 you can set a delay and effectively increase your shutter sync ability. And it will work with flash units or full on strobes. Will definitely help when competeing with sun!

February 16, 2009  
Blogger JohnnySewell said...

So Rich,have you changed your mind and bought some of the new TTL Pocket Wizards to use with the 580's? I'm looking for someone that has done a tutorial on the 580's and using them in manual with the older Pocket Wizards and then in TTL with the new ones.

April 26, 2009  
Anonymous LeggNet said...


I've purchased one of the Flex models and am using it with my existing Plus II's. Since it takes two to TTL, I haven't used that feature yet but am planning on adding a second Flex to my setup and then I will do TTL.

April 26, 2009  

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