LeggNets Digital Capture

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My Photography is Going to the Movies

Yesterday afternoon I received an email from fellow photographer Thad Lawrence saying that he recognized one of my images when it popped up in his RSS reader. The shot of the buried child (kinda creepy, I know) was the sole element on the movie poster advertising The Alphabet Killer. I did a quick Google search to find out that this was a movie that was filmed a couple of years ago and is just now being released.

This was a cool find for me for various reasons. One of the biggest being that the subject of the shot (kinda creepy, I know) is my daughter. Finding out that she was on this poster was a big deal to her. She immediately started calling and texting her friends. This made me smile.

Another reason is that I shot this image back in 2006 before I began taking stock photography seriously. This was not intended to be a "stock" shot, but rather was simply taken while I was playing around in some leaves with my daughters. I uploaded the shot to iStock half expecting it to be rejected for "over filtering". But it obviously was accepted.

Upon seeing what the designer did with my original image (kinda creepy, I know), it took me a second to even verify that it was my shot. The enhancements that were made to the image, especially the face, are fantastic. Here is the original un-edited image as they purchased it on iStock:

I don't usually go out of my way to get copies of my work in use, but I made an exception with this one. I sent a few emails to the contact information from the film and distribution company's websites. To my surprise, I soon received a response and they are sending me a few posters.

Don't be surprised if you ever drop by my little studio and see this image (kinda creepy, I know) framed on the wall.

Canon 30D, Canon 24-105 f/4L lens - 1/60 second, f/5.6, ISO 100


Blogger Jeremy Hall said...

That is such a cool use of your image, especially for all the reasons you list. Congrats to you and your daughter! This one definitely deserves to be framed and on the wall of your studio.

November 11, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's really cool but why so much use of "(kinda creepy, I know)" ?

November 11, 2008  
Blogger Harley Pebley said...

Hey, did you know that photo's kinda creepy?

A fake one a couple weeks ago and now a real one. Cool and congrats!

November 11, 2008  
Blogger Jeremy Stockwell said...

Awesome, Rich. Congrats!

November 11, 2008  
Blogger Moe Martinez said...

very cool!! and I'm assuming you it's kinda creepy ;D

November 11, 2008  
Blogger Moe Martinez said...

blah "...you know..."

November 11, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! So KOOL!!!

November 12, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's cool

November 29, 2008  
Blogger Harley Pebley said...

Red Box sighting.

January 11, 2009  
Blogger Mitch said...

Rich - stunning - great work and congrats to your daughter :)

January 26, 2009  

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