LeggNets Digital Capture

Friday, February 08, 2008

Winter Morning

Canon 5D, Canon 24-105 f/4L lens - 1/250 second, f/4, ISO 100


Blogger Janet Kincaid said...

Okay, I admit: I like your studio and stock work, but I really like your non-studio/stock photos best. This is a beautiful picture and does such a great job of capturing the cold of winter in Utah.

I remember many mornings like this growing up in Provo and Orem. You'd look out the window and see the warm colors of sunrise, which made you feel hopeful and warm. Then you'd actually step outside only to be assaulted by the brutal cold and the feeling of all the cilia in your nose freezing...

Maybe that's what I like about these photos: they remind of the place I grew up and evoke many lovely memories. (As if the inside of my nose freezing up is a lovely memory, but you get my drift, right?) Thank you for that!

February 09, 2008  

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