LeggNets Digital Capture

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

My Left Eye

Imbalance, originally uploaded by LeggNet.

I spent some time this past Saturday at the eye doctor. The good news is that my right eye is 20/20. My left eye though, not so good. The doctor told me that it is somewhat rare for someone to have this much difference in vision between their eyes.

During my life I have pretty much taken my good eyesight for granted. This brief episode made me stop and realize what a precious gift we have with our vision. Even for those with less than perfect vision, the amount and quality of vision correction remedies available to us today is astonishing. We are blessed.

Today's capture is a close up of that less than perfect left eye.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great eye.How you did this photo?How I can read you for one year did such growing in photography!I am photo fun,but ....

August 16, 2006  
Blogger Genevieve Netz said...

I hope they were able to correct your weak eye. We want you to keep your focus!!!

August 16, 2006  

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