LeggNets Digital Capture

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Does Geek Squad encourage illegal activity?

While recently driving on a local city street, I was passed by a speeding black & white VW. I was driving right around the speed limit (60 mph) and this car was clearly speeding while weaving in and out of traffic. As happens quite frequently, I caught up with the car at the next traffic light (where I took this photo). I already assumed that this was a Geek Squad car (they're easy to spot), but what surprised me was that the car had a radar detector prominently mounted on the windshield.

When the light turned green the car quickly sped away only for me to catch up at the next red light. This continued for several lights until the Geek beat one of the red lights and zoomed off into the distance (at well over 80 mph).

My question: Does Geek Squad equip all their cars with radar detectors in hope that they can get to their appointments quicker? In doing so, are they encouraging their predominantly young employees (with minimal years of driving experience) to drive over the speed limit and break the law?

From what I witnessed...... YES

On a side note, I find it equally interesting that Best Buy (Geek Squad's parent company) does not sell radar detectors on their website, stating "Due to certain state restrictions, Best Buy cannot sell radar detectors online. '

And on another side note, Geek Squad has had previous legal trouble having allegedly used pirated copies of Winternals software.


Blogger Brandon S. said...

GeekSquad sucks anyways. Plain and simple. They rip everyone off.

August 05, 2006  
Blogger Jason said...

What is the scenario? A elderly women calls geek squad, "my computer is on but I can't send internet". Geek squad operator confused by the statement concludes this is a computer emergency. "Paging all units in the Salt Lake City area, we have a 10-99 -- elderly person using a computer -- please respond with lights and sirens."

August 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But wait, a single employee doing something wrong means that the company he works for encourages all of their employees to behave similarly?

You know, I'm getting really tired of theories like this. Its not just Geek Squad, its any major company. An employee behaves badly and the consumer assumes the entire company is responsible. Sure, maybe the interview or training process could have been a little more thorough in this particular case, but do you really believe that a company ENCOURAGES its employees to drive recklessly, when that company would be the ones paying the bill for every accident?

If Geek Squad execs have brains, which I'm certain they do or else they wouldn't have a thriving business... Then they can do this math: Getting there 10 minutes earlier 25% of the time does not make up for the cost of replacing, (I'll estimate that theres about 2000 Geek Squad employees driving bugs, and that 1% of those would crash a year if they were SUPPOSED to drive recklessly), 20 VW Bugs and paying high medical bills on 20 employees a year, plus the lawsuits when the employees sue for pain and suffering claiming that the company REQUIRED they drive like idiots.

But you don't want to believe that, right? One of their thousands of employees is an idiot, therefore the entire company is full of idiots, right?

August 16, 2006  
Blogger LeggNet said...

I commend you on your well stated comment. My point is not as much the single employee's actions, but that the car had a radar detector mounted in it. If this detector was installed with company knowledge (even if just a local manager), is the company encouraging the Geeks to drive over the speed limit? My guess is that the company's legal department would cringe at the sight of a radar detector in a company car.

August 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I'm sure the company's legal department would cringe..."

And I'm sure they do. Note, though, that it's a suction-cup mount - what's the say this guy didn't just throw the detector up in his car when he was away from whomever his boss is?

For example - when I was 17 I drove around my parents' car. I did this until I turned 23 (yeah, gotta mooch off mommy and daddy as long as possible). I started using a radar detector when I was 18, and my parents never found out until I was 21 or so, and by then they didn't care anymore. I'd imagine it's the same sort of thing.

I agree with ash, this is somewhat flawed logic. I've seen city bus drivers driving around gabbing on cell phones. Given the current focus on driving while talking on a cell phone, don't you think they would be banned from engaging in this behavior? Oh, well that must mean they are talking on the phone with the bus company's blessing! They must be encouraged to talk and drive and behave badly!

See my point? I'm not going to defend the guy, if I saw one of those VWs go zipping past while running radar, I'd think twice before calling them, but I really doubt there's a nationwide corporate conspiracy happening here - it's just a guy hiding the detector from his parents.

August 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi I am an Agent from the Geek Squad, and No the standard equipment does not include radar detectors. It is unfortunate that that agent is in such a permanent hurry that he felt a radar detector was necessary. We should all do our parts as people who care about the safety and well being of others and abide by all traffic laws. I'm not ashamed by the agents actions, but I did want to set the record straight. By the way we usually handle 3 - 5 calls per day, and in Atlanta where I live, traffic is pretty bad and we usually have a very small margin of travel time.

As far ass other activities, we are under scrutiny every day to use all software according to the EULA. I welcome any comments. Russell.fair@geeksquad.com.

August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You people realize thats a Garmin StreetPilot, and not a radar detector right? Get over yourselves, and learn to use new toys.

September 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The use of radar detectors is not aprooved nor endorsed by Geek Squad. As far as the law suit the case was settled and no one but the 2 companies know the true outcome. I know for a fact the company inforced policy is to not exceed the speed limit by more then 2 mph and if caught doing so the employee will be reprimanded possibly even fired. The Agent in the picture was using his own radar detector and, while I am not sure of the model, it looks a lot like my personal radar detector which I use in my car, and yet I do not speed, it gives advanced warning of accidents, emergency vehicles and the like so I know if I need to take an alternate route instead of being stuvk in a traffic jam.....

September 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Winternals were scammers! They sold out to M$ & were looking to drive up the price of the sale since they knew M$ was going to issue out the software cheap to all of it's Gold Partners like Best Buy.

September 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a current Double Agent (in-home agent) for the Geek Squad. As far as Geek Squad company policy, another poster stated this as well, the official documentation for new in-home agents from corporate states that the agent is not supposed to drive more than 2 mph over the limit. Obviously no company in their right mind is going to encourage, much less EQUIP, their employees to knowingly break the law, especially with such a huge risk of expense to the company.

Keep in mind that, yes, a majority of the Double Agents are of a younger generation (I being one of them) and the tempation to drive as such, especially when it's not your personal vehicle, is very great. However, taking a single encounter with a speeding employee (possibly a very late employee) and basing the entire company and it's policies off of that is absolutely rediculous. I was felt insulted after this post, because I take pride in my job, and these kinds of statements with no foundation or reason is just childish.

As far as finding a radar detector inside an agent's GeekMobile, the company also states that the agent is allowed freedom of "customization" to the interior of the geekmobile, as long as it can all be removed upon leaving the company...and the exterior is not to be modified in any way. I see a lot of Agent's (especially in the Seattle area) with radar detectors...and honestly, I don't blame them. Have you seen the daily driver's on I-5? The average speed on the 60mph highway is 70-75 mph, and that's totally normal. But cops do love to pick out cars from a pack, especially one that stands out as much as the GeekMobile. It's nice to have some advanced warning.

So please, for all of our sakes, put a little bit of thought into things before jumping to such drastic conclusions.

Oh, and to the "geeksquad sucks" comment...please, expand on your opinion. Otherwise you have about the same merit as the first poster.

September 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you say that Best Buy doesnt encourage illegal activities? What about the pending law suit against Best Buy for using pirated software? Granted it's not a radar detector, but an illegal activity is still illegal. Hmmm I wonder if Best Buy knew they were using pirated software?? =)

December 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, Ywes there may be a "bad apple" here and there. That does not mean that everyone working for geeksquad is not a criminal. You can look at any large company and find someone doing something wrong, that does not mean it is company policy. I worked for a company that a manager was caught stealing from the company, this certainly was not a company approved activity. If I were you I would have called the 1800 number and reported this person and let the company do the right thing by terminating the employee. But to make a blanket statement about a company on the actions of a single person is wrong. Did you go to the bestbuy stores and look inside all the cars? No, so how can you make a blanket statement. I find fault with what the employee did and with the reporter as well, check and verify seems to ring in my mind.

January 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a shame we live in a world where people cause intentional malice against others. I am the Agent in the photo and your blog is not only irresponsible but ignorant.
To state that the use of a radar detector is supporting and condoning breaking the law rather than the use as a reminder to watch your speed as well as traffic alerts is both irresponsible and ignorant. Best Buy nor Geek Squad in any way condones breaking the law.

It is curious to me though, while your blog is intended to say I was being irresponsible, you are taking a picture of a vehicle you say was speeding and weaving going “well over 80” (right!) AFTER you caught up!
How fast were you going to “catch up” while you were taking photographs?? How much weaving did you have to do to take your photo? How many laws did you break for your shot? Your actions were much more irresponsible and potentially harmful than having a radar detector. This would be like saying cameras endorse breaking the law to get a good photo. It’s obvious that you have something against Best Buy.
You are not in law enforcement. If someone is driving erratically the first step should be to contact law enforcement and NOT attack the company they work for. That would be responsible.

BTW, I am well in my thirties, and I have a long & PERFECTLY CLEAN driving record, that picture is taken on a THREE LANE freeway NEXT to a semi, that particular GeekMobile ® has long since been replaced AND I lost those sunglasses well over a year ago! Get your facts straight & do unto others…Brother!
Nice Photo though!

February 28, 2007  
Blogger LeggNet said...

I had long since given up on commenting on this post since it was hijacked by the stated (and un-stated) Geek agents. How do I know - the majority of the referrals to the page come from an internal geek squad message board.

As was stated, you (if it is indeed you) were very evidently speeding. However, you were having to stop at each light. I took this photo when we were both stopped at a light. I was not doing anything dangerous in taking the shot.

One more note. You state that this is an old photo and that you have long since lost your sunglasses. This shot was indeed taken on August 1, 2006 so you are either mistaken in your dates or this is not you.

I do appreciate your well stated and written comment.

Cheers, Rich

February 28, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr Legg, I think that you need to get a life! I know a few Geek Squad guys, and they are law abiding citizens! I know the guy that is in your picture and he is a good guy with a family that he loves and he does not break speeding laws and is very well respected. I hope that someday you will need your computer repaired and the Geek Squad will be there to help, maybe you will have another opinion of they will be different. I hope you have a nice day.

March 01, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I hope that someday you will need your computer repaired and the Geek Squad will be there to help."

Now, that's funny....!


March 01, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Legg I am also an amature photographer, all I can say is your story has obvious holes. Your picture is on a 3 lane road where you state the speed limit is 60mph. Hmmmm I know for a fact that this Agent is based out of Utah County, where there are no 3 lane roads that have traffic lights with a 60mph speed limit. And you say you are stoped at a light. Then why is there movement blur in your photo? If you look at the edges of the side view mirror and Geek logo you see slight blurring(not alot because you are going the same speed) and there is alot of bluring on the letters on the side of the truck. you see alot more blurring indicating that the truck is moving faster than the both of you or you are moving faster then the truck. Interesting.... this semi beat this guy that you said was gunning it off the line or you lied when you said you took this photo when stoped. There is also the fact that you aboviusly held onto this photo for a long time (You can see snow on the mountians in the reflection of the bugs fender yet you posted it in august). You are one of two people, someone that is lashing out at bestbuy for some precived wrong or you are someone that like to cause problems for other folks.

March 04, 2007  
Blogger LeggNet said...

Okay I've had enough of all the GEEKS hijacking this thread, so this will be the final comment.

1. Mr. Amature (sic) photographer - click through to Flickr and read the exif data. This photo was taken on August 1, 2006.

2. Utah County - Not! This was taken on Bangerter Highway Southbound in West Jordan.

3. If I needed computer work, the LAST place I would take my computer to is Geek Squad.

Move on, boys...

March 04, 2007  

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