LeggNets Digital Capture

Friday, October 09, 2009

Dancing Through the "To Edit" List

I'm spending today wrapping up the image editing of last month's ballroom dancing photo shoot for my stock photo portfolio. As I type this, I have no less than six other shoots on my "To Edit" list. I spend the majority of my worktime sitting at the computer editing/uploading/keywording images. That is one of the biggest things I have come to realize in the two plus years that I have been shooting full-time for iStockphoto. Years ago as a child when I dreamed of a career as a professional photographer it never occurred that this is what it would entail - sitting at a computer for hours on end.

My switch to Lightroom from Bridge this past summer has helped to speed up my editing workflow, but I still edit each image individually creating on average 5-6 layers in Photoshop before uploading.

Please don't get me wrong though. I love being a photographer and with that the time spent in Photoshop. I would not want to change my job for anything in the world. I truly love what I do and feel blessed to be able to make a career of it.

Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 24-105 f/4L lens - 1/125 second, f/4, ISO 100


Anonymous Tony said...

Nice job on the lighting

October 10, 2009  
Anonymous Rahul Pathak said...

Hi Rich,

Would love to have you test-drive our keywording & uploading service. Please let me know if you're game. Would love to chat w/ you and get your thoughts.


CEO & Founder

October 14, 2009  
Blogger forkboy said...

Ah! The 70-200 f/4. The first lens I bought for my 40D and an excellent choice it was.

Glad to see the pros use it as well. Lets me know I made a smart choice.

October 14, 2009  

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