LeggNets Digital Capture

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Kate with the Matching Cap

Canon 5D, Canon 70-200 f/2.8L lens - 1/640 second, f/2.8, ISO 160


Blogger t said...

so you shot this with a 2.8? is that a new addition to your lens lineup? I thought you used the 4?

May 07, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good catch, Tucker. I was with my friend Kenneth when I shot this and was using his 70-200 f/2.8L IS lens. I like the speed of the 2.8, but I actually still prefer my f/4.0 version.

May 07, 2008  
Blogger t said...

haha, thanks man. I thought something was up because the photo for some reason just didn't "feel" like a portrait shot that would have been taken with your typical lenses, and this was before I saw the data you include on the photo.

What I mean is that having seen your past photos on here, I would've assumed that it was shot at f/4 or thereabouts but it just didn't have that depth. I'm making progress!

anyways keep up the awesome blogs!

May 07, 2008  
Blogger Robert said...

Wow! Love the game of colors on that portrait. Definitely way to go!

May 08, 2008  

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