Wedding Crasher
It's the beginning of the wedding season and I'm right in the middle of the two weddings that I am photographing this week. Even though I enjoy the work, I am not looking to make wedding photography my primary business (that was the eighties). With that being said, I do shoot several each year.
In keeping today's image with the Wedding theme, I'm featuring my fellow photoblogger Bryan Jones as he (we?) crashed a wedding reception on a recent Photowalking Utah event. (Actually, we behaved ourselves and kept out of the way of the guests).
Canon 5D, Canon 24-105 f/4L lens - 1/100 second, f/4, ISO 100
Adilfa, the photographer that appeared in some of the Photowalking pictures from this event, tells me she was frustrated by the "other photographers" that were getting into her background of her shots. :(
Yeah. She was doing her wedding party groups on the skybridge as many of the photowalkers came out of the garage. Public shooting can get frustrating at times.
Ha! Thanks for the shot. How could a couple of guys with packs and cameras not crash a party?
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