LeggNets Digital Capture

Friday, May 18, 2007

An Uninvited Guest

Last night as Michelle was exiting our front door she came across an uninvited guest on the front steps. The visitor was an approximately 20" snake. Michelle rapidly re-entered the house and announced her discovery.

The girls and I quickly investigated. The snake was fairly docile and didn't seem to care much about the attention. After an impromptu photo session, I safely escorted the visitor away from our home and into the field directly behind the house.

I am no snake expert (nor do I want to become one), but I did a bit of Googling and this appears to my untrained eye to be a Desert Nightsnake. If any of you snake-wranglers out there know for sure, feel free to chime in and either correct or support my analysis.

Canon 30D, Canon 70-200 f/4L lens - 1/125 second, f/5.6, ISO 160


Blogger Harley Pebley said...

Looks more like a baby gopher snake to me, but I'm certainly no expert. I tend to stay away from snakes.

Did you get any shots showing more of the body? Seeing the body markings might help in identification.

In your searching, did you run across this site? They allow you to search by different identifying characteristics.

May 18, 2007  
Blogger ~Michelle~ said...

Oooo, that must have been quite startling! I love the bit of fuzz on its head.

May 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You kept a distance with your 70-200 lens :)

May 20, 2007  

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