LeggNets Digital Capture

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Game Over

I've never actually played The Sims. But when I happened upon this scene at the Salt Lake City Cemetery, I immediately thought of the popular computer simulation game.

Canon 30D, Canon 24-105 f/4L - 1/320 second, f/4, ISO 100


Blogger Bryan Catherman said...

I know a guy who's first name is Sim, and every time I said, "Hi Sim" I couldn't help think of that strange game. (This is a game were you live a normal life and get points for doing things like meeting people, cleaning your room, and making your own dinner. I think there were extra points, or points lost I don't remember, if you remembered to go to the bathroom rather than wetting your pants. I have an idea: Turn off the game and meet people, clean your room and make your own dinner. If you're feeling really ambitious, remember not to wet your pants.)

February 28, 2007  
Blogger Genevieve Netz said...

Great photo caption, Rich. :D

March 05, 2007  

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