LeggNets Digital Capture

Friday, October 20, 2006

Free at Last

Free at Last, originally uploaded by LeggNet.

This young lady was claiming victory over the feeling of being held hostage by her own weight. She asked a few friends to witness a small ceremony in which she destroyed her bathroom scale. The symbolic act was quite moving.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

good for her and God bless her. I don't know who decided the weight we all should weigh, when all we are looking for is health. Give her my blessings.

October 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a very moving shot. It is a tricky question. First I thought "why don't we all hammer our scales to destruction?", but at the same time we have the other problem of health thretening obesity spreading over the industrialized world. Of course it is two totally different problems based on different issues.

I guess the scales is both our enemy and best friend at the same time. I know a girl who have had anorexia and since she got out of it havent stepped up on a scales for five years.

March 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this is a beautiful picture. (Can i steal it and post it on Facebook?)

March 10, 2009  

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