LeggNets Digital Capture

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Visiting Ducks

Visiting Duck, originally uploaded by LeggNet.

Last month this duck, along with his mate, showed up in our frontyard. The pair seems to have taken a liking to an area below a bird feeder, frequently snacking on the seed that has spilled out of the feeder. So far, they appear to be quite content. Even if they are scared away by disruptions such as a lawnmower or children they quickly return.

Will they stay all summer? Stay tuned...


Blogger kmm said...

Fantastic shot

May 10, 2006  
Blogger Bryan Catherman said...

Do the birds up at the feeder return, or are they less loyal? You should hand sprinkle some seed on the ground for the ducks. This will take away the power from the song birds, and then they won't be able to hold that over the ducks' heads.

May 10, 2006  

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