LeggNets Digital Capture

Sunday, January 29, 2006


Geese in Flight, originally uploaded by LeggNet.

On my way home from church today I came across a cornfield full of geese. They were feeding on the remnants of last season's harvest. I stopped the car and decided to see if I could get close enough to make some interesting captures.

As I edged closer and closer to the flock, they became increasingly nervous of my being there. Moments before this capture, they decided as a group that it was a good time to leave. It is quite amazing to be in a field with 100+ geese as they take flight simultaneously.

Notice that the fellow on the right has a band on his leg. I imagine that this is a tracking tool put on by the game management people. This makes me wonder how many miles a typical wild goose logs each year.

As I last saw the flock, they were falling into formation and heading north.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fantastic shot! Well done!

March 08, 2006  
Blogger Clarity25 said...

Amazing shot!

March 09, 2006  
Blogger Cindy said...

I really like the framing and balance.

March 13, 2006  
Blogger Shelly McC said...

Stunning Shot!

June 16, 2006  

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