LeggNets Digital Capture

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Theater Audience Photo Shoot: Thank You Everyone!

I'm back in the office after a busy morning with the movie theater photo shoot in Salt Lake City. We had over 90 people participate in it and after a quick look at the images I can say I am extremely pleased with what we created.

I will write a more detailed blog post about the outing in the coming days but I wanted to make a quick one today to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who participated. From the check-in team to the lighting guys to the prop team to the audience members and everyone else, you all went above and beyond in making today a success.

Please accept a sincere thank you. I absolutely could not do what I do without help from great people like you!

Now go and have a great weekend :)


Anonymous Laura said...

Thanks for letting me participate! It was really fun! Hope to help out again in the future!



February 06, 2010  
Blogger Sean Goodell said...

That was so much fun! I would love to participate in future shoots! Thank you for the opportunity!

Thanks again,


February 08, 2010  

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