LeggNets Digital Capture

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

My Interview on TWiP

I have been a fan of the podcast This Week in Photography (TWiP) since it first came out. The weekly show is a roundtable type of format with the hosts discussing the current news, trends and equipment in photography.

I was privileged to meet the show's host Frederick Van last month while attending Photoshop World in Las Vegas. While talking to him about photography and more pointedly my work in the microstock industry, Frederick asked if I would like to be interviewed for TWiP. I immediately accepted his offer.

The long-form interview has been posted today on Frederick's blog and will be included in this week's episode of the podcast. In the discussion we talk about the microstock industry, iStockphoto, my background, my workflow and Photowalking Utah.

It's always great to be able to share my story and I thank Frederick and TWiP for the opportunity.

On the web: Direct Link to Interview


Blogger Tim Limón said...

Congratulations on the the interview! You are one of my "iStock hero's" and it will be good to hear your perspective on it.

November 04, 2009  

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