LeggNets Digital Capture

Monday, November 30, 2009

Into the Wild Blue

Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 70-200 f/4L lens - 1/1600 second, f/8, ISO 400


Blogger forkboy said...

Great snap!

But a question: ISO 400 on a sunny day. Is this because you wanted to keep the shutter speed as high as possible to freeze the action?

I'm a rank amateur so I'm trying to think through your process for this image.

December 01, 2009  
Anonymous LeggNet said...

Good question. I shot at ISO 400 to help with both depth-of-field and shutter speed to be able to capture the motion in focus. The extra two stops over shooting at ISO 100 are helpful and on the 5D Mark II degrade the image quality hardly at all.

December 01, 2009  

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