LeggNets Digital Capture

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My Newest Toy - The Lensbaby Composer

Canon 5D, Lensbaby Composer - 1/640 second, f/4, ISO 200

Thanks to a very generous Scott Bourne of Photofocus.com, I was recently given a Lensbaby Composer to add to my lens collection. If you're not familiar with a Lensbaby, it is basically a special effect lens that creates a moveable focus area (the sweet spot) amidst a creatively blurred out-of-focus area. I've watched from the distance as the product line evolved from the fairly simple original design to their current offering, "The Composer".

I took some time today to become familiar with the lens and learn how I can use it in my photography. I put it on my backup Canon 5D body and commenced shooting. Today's post is a quick peek at a couple samples from today's shooting. The above image of the yellow flower was taken in my front yard as I headed out to lunch, while the shot below is one I captured of everyone's friend Jarvie over at the Pictureline store in Draper.

Lensbaby Jarvie
Canon 5D, Lensbaby Composer - 1/15 second, f/4, ISO 200

It's still a bit early to see how (or even if) I will incorporate the lens into my work shooting, but I'll be the first to admit it's been pretty fun to play with so far.


Anonymous Rob said...

Wow, I just got one too! Small world!

So far I've been impressed, I've just been using the Double Glass Optic, but can't wait to have a go at pinhole / zone-plate.

CHeers, Rob.

September 15, 2009  

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