I just found your blog today and want to say it is amazing. Definitely one I am bookmarking and adding to my reader. You take amazing photogrphs and I really enjoy seeing what you and others do with them. I am going to try some o the techniques myself.
I am a hobby photographer and recently purchased Photoshop CS2 and have been playing around with some pictures. I just tried my first HDR and was ather proud of myself.
Anyways amazing site, keep up the great work, I will be back often... even if I don't comment.
I just found your blog today and want to say it is amazing. Definitely one I am bookmarking and adding to my reader. You take amazing photogrphs and I really enjoy seeing what you and others do with them. I am going to try some o the techniques myself.
I am a hobby photographer and recently purchased Photoshop CS2 and have been playing around with some pictures. I just tried my first HDR and was ather proud of myself.
Anyways amazing site, keep up the great work, I will be back often... even if I don't comment.
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