LeggNets Digital Capture

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Brittanie in Black & White

During last week's stock photo shoot with Brittanie I took a small detour and captured a few portraits for non-stock use. This is one of the images. In this shot, I wanted to shoot her in a non-classical type of pose. The goal was to have everything but her skin blend into the background. Here is a diagram of the two-light setup used.

Brittanie B&W Setup

What this diagram doesn't show is the large gobo between the key light (on the right) and the background used to eliminate light spill. Additionally, I placed a 3x4' piece of black acrylic in front of Brittanie to use as a table and to add a subtle reflection to the bottom of the shot.

I'm pleased with the result, especially the lighting on her face which converted very nicely into black & white. If I were to shoot this again, I would use one additional light as a low-power hairlight to add a slight bit of separation between her shoulders and the background.

Canon 5D, Canon 24-105 f/4L lens - 1/125 second, f/4.5, ISO 100

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Blogger Jeremy Stockwell said...

Maybe it's not quite to scale, Rich, but based on the diagram, wouldn't the photographer (you) cast an unwanted shadow on your subject?

June 17, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Good question. The fill light is a softbox and is coming in over my left shoulder. No problem with shadows.

June 17, 2008  
Blogger Jeremy Stockwell said...

Thanks, Rich.

So much to learn.


June 18, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this frame, so symmetrical and even. I also love her expression. thanks for sharing the setup.

June 21, 2008  

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