LeggNets Digital Capture

Friday, September 28, 2007

Using Flash in Daylight

Today's image of a car (my trusty Saab) sitting on a forest road is an example of using flash during daylight to enhance your photos. When I first took this shot, the car appeared very dull since it was sitting in a shadowy area. The fix: add a strobe.

My goal with the exposure (after adding the strobe) was to make the car stand out, but not make it look artificially lit. To accomplish this, I adjusted the strobe to a power setting of one f/stop below the ambient exposure. This balanced setting lit the highly reflective car with just enough highlights to draw the attention I desired.

Canon 5D, Canon 70-200 f/4L lens - 1/50 second, f/4, ISO 100



Blogger Tripti said...

Thats a really useful tip, very interesting blog.

October 21, 2007  

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