LeggNets Digital Capture

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

10 Years

10 Years, originally uploaded by LeggNet.

My wife Michelle and I used to play in a band with a few other musicians, one of them being an 18 year old drummer named Kyle. One of the Kyle's hobbies in addition to drumming was making jewelry. For our 10th anniversary a few years back, Michelle "commissioned" Kyle to make a new wedding band for me.

It's not the most impressive piece of jewelry you'll ever see, but how many of you have a ring made by a teenage drummer?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a cool hobby. It may well develop into something more than a hobby someday.

November 15, 2006  
Blogger Stephanie Jedlicka said...

FANTASTIC picture! :)

And what a ring!

November 26, 2006  

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