LeggNets Digital Capture

Friday, September 29, 2006


Soaring Hawk, originally uploaded by LeggNet.

I photographed this young Swainson's Hawk recently when my work took me to Eagle Mountain (Utah). On this particular day, I spotted seven hawks on a one mile stretch of road entering town. With fall approaching, this bird will soon be on his way to Argentina for the winter.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the pix! I'm a videographer with my own company. I just moved here from Illinois and there's no place better to shoot than Utah. I've also shot my share of wildlife and I know it's not easy. I'm interested in finding good places to shoot wildlife so if you have any suggestions, it would be great if you could pass them along. I'm primarily interested in larger animals and birds i.e. mooose, elk, hawks, eagles. Thanks!

September 29, 2006  

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